Monday, April 12, 2010

Food Revolution: Episode 4

Food Revolution: Episode 4

A heart warming episode that began with a challenge: for Jaime Oliver to teach 1000 members of the Huntington, WV community to cook a simple dish in one week. At the forefront of the challenge lay a bet with local DJ Rod, the self-proclaimed most obstinate opponent of the food revolution. After a visit to a funeral home with Jaime and a meeting with local community members who have been affected by obesity either personally or familially, Rod begins to realize the impact that obesity has on the lives of his fellow citizens. Jaime's cooking classes attract the 1000 necessary individuals to win the bet, including the mayor of Huntington as well as the governor of West Virginia. Rod closes the show by cooking the 1000 dish, and proclaims his alliance with the food revolution.

Compared to the previous 3 episodes, this show was predominantly light-hearted and feel good. It highlights the importance of a community mindset and coming together. The citizens of Huntington have lived in a culture that supported poor dietary choices. A significant shift is happening at all levels of community support for Huntington. Without this strong community support, change was not likely to happen.

Look at your community. What dietary and health lessons are being perpetuated? What needs to change? Do you need to begin with your neighbor, friends or family, or do you need to take larger steps by contacting the local media, community leaders and/or politicians? Ask yourself how you can best help your community with its own Food Revolution.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution: Episode 3

Food Revolution, Episode 3: The Kids Share Their Stories

Jamie Oliver continued his efforts of connecting the community of Huntington, West Virginia together in a battle against obesity by making healthier dietary decisions.

This episode was largely about incentive. Jamie established a team of teens to work in his kitchen and learn first-hand how to cook healthy dishes. Each of these teens had a unique reason to begin their own food revolution. Marisa's father passed away due to obesity related issues when she was 13; Brittany has battled obesity her entire life and her health issues have led to doctors telling her she may not live past her 20's; and Ryan has dealt with anger management issues and is looking for a way to give back to the community in a positive way. These teens have seen the devastating effects of poor diet contributing to disease and early death for their family members. They are striving to stop the cycle of poor quality of life, and recognize that their incentive is to get healthy by changing their lifestyle and the lifestyle of those around them.

These healthy striving teens are presented with an enormous task: to cook for 80 adults who will potentially contribute financially to making large scale systemic changes to the way food is managed in the school district. With some minor hiccups here and there, they manage to prepare a meal that is a success! Little do the adults know that the teens made the meal in its entirety. When Jamie first informs the room that he did not make their dinner, they are shocked, which provides the most poignant moment of this show yet - a chance for the teens to share their stories with those in the room. Stories are met with tears and applause from the adult audience, and a state senator even pledges his allegiance for making large scale sweeping changes to help the community in change efforts.

Incentive. The big take away from this episode. The teens find motivation to better their health and their lives. Adults find motivation to contribute monetarily to aid the district with providing healthier school lunches. State representatives learn that their constituents are demanding change, and find the incentive to promote that change. Incentive at all levels.

What incentive do you have to follow your own food revolution? It could be something small, such as not being out of breath after climbing a flight of stairs. Or being able to have a better quality of life with your family. Or more energy. Or less likelihood of developing significant health related concerns. Find the incentive to change your lifestyle and take the first step today.

Start by signing Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Petition.

(303) 831.6248

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Food Revolution: Episode 2

Episode 2: Food Revolution

Jamie Oliver's 2nd installment of Food Revolution centered around continued education regarding diet and subsequent health for the community of Huntington, West Virginia. The culture of resistance that he encountered in the first episode was still very much present, however, you start to see small shifts in attitudes, incentives, and behaviors at all levels. Parents begin to recognize the nutritional value of what is being fed to their children at school is not conducive to good health. Teachers begin to recognize the importance of simple tasks, like modeling the appropriate use of forks and knives as well as helping children be able to properly identify fruits and vegetables. Families begin to recognize accountability amongst themselves. Perhaps the most poignant moment of the episode involved a family testing their teenage son for diabetes, which he was not diagnosed. Following the test this father and son converse about the long term health concerns that will affect this young man; diabetes, heart disease, and shorter life expectancy. The father asks his son to not only work on his own behavioral change, but also to help keep his father accountable in losing weight as well.

Accountability. The key lesson learned from this episode. For your own Food Revolution to be successful you need accountability. Families need to support one another with maintaining behavioral changes. As much as parents need to help children, children need to help parents. Parents need to question school lunch menu decisions and verify that what is being served has nutritional value. Partners need to question each other with shopping habits and meal choices, ensuring that what they are providing is conducive to health.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Jaime Oliver's Food Revolution: Episode 1

Chef Jaime Oliver's new program on ABC, Food Revolution, uncovers one of the most pressing concerns in America today: our relationship with food, and more specifically the culture of food that is being taught to our children. As this program unfolds in America's unhealthiest town, Huntington, West Virgina, a town that the Center for Disease Control reports has an adult obesity rate of roughly 50%, MindBodyHealth will post weekly blogs following each episode.

Episode 1:

For the first time in American history, children today have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. Directly correlated to this shorter life expectancy are lifestyle choices of diet and exercise. Children learn about food and food choices from their immediate experience, most notably from important adults in their life, including their family and what is being provided in the school setting.

From the DJ at the beginning of the show, to the school cooks, to the parents, to the questionable nutritional guidelines being handed down by the school district, it was clear how tightly woven this community is in regards to their idea of nutrition. Also apparent was the high resistant to change at all levels. The important adults in this particular community do not immediately value the need to change. Despite direct evidence of higher rates of disease, poorer quality of life, and shorter life expectancy, there was no immediate incentive to begin making changes, neither for themselves or their children.

Towards the end of the episode, Jamie Oliver attempted a new menu of fresh ingredients that competed with the typical school lunch pizza. It is not surprising that the kids chose pizza, a common meal for them. This highlights the first major take away point from this show: kids eat what is common to them. They will not begin eating fruits and vegetables on their own. Parents need to model healthy choices and teach the value of consuming food that is healthy to our bodies and our overall well-being.

Lesson from Episode 1: as adults, we hold the power in teaching future generations about healthy eating. Children will follow our model of food choices. To begin your own food revolution, start with examining your own food beliefs and current diet. Recognize what you value in regards to food. Think about the choices you are making today. Perhaps a significant portion of what you know about food was taught to you by important adults in your life at one time.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Recovery after a school shooting

Yesterday an adult gunman opened fire at Deer Creek Middle School in suburban Denver, just a few short miles from Columbine High School. Two students were injured, luckily no one was killed.

This traumatic experience can be expected to increase short term stress and fear for those involved. Children, parents and teachers may experience a variety of emotions, thoughts and behavioral changes in the days and weeks following such a harrowing situation. Here are some tips to help.

  • Keep routines as close to normal as possible. This includes returning to school once it re-opens.
  • Actively listen to your children. Listen to their fears, concerns and worries.
  • Be honest with your children about your fears and concerns. Share with them as much information as they are developmentally able to handle.
  • Adults need an adult outlet. Speak with friends, family and other parents about your concerns.
  • Limit media exposure.

Experiencing a significant trauma such as school shooting can lead to a variety of behavioral changes, including sleep and appetite disturbance, nightmares, and thoughts about reliving the event. These are normal aspects of the trauma response. Be sure the lines of communication remain open. Seek professional help should concerns intensify or persist.

Please do not hesitate to contact MindBodyHealth for support, counseling and advice in the days to weeks to come.


(303) 831.6248

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What Do We Do Now?

Bringing a Child Into the Relationship

Becoming a parent often brings up the question: What do we do now? With so much time, energy and devotion to being the best parent possible, the relationship with your partner often shifts to becoming a second priority.

This 6 Week group for parents of a newborn offers education, support and skills for adjusting your relationship to meet the needs of being a parent. Learn valuable skills for building your relationship with your partner while at the same time becoming the best parent possible.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Stress Reduction

Health care professionals are especially prone to high levels of stress, fatigue and burnout. According to a recent article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), health care providers who suffer from significant amounts of stress are prone to producing lower quality direct patient care, as well as a myriad of personal problems (including sleep difficulties, interpersonal/relationship turmoil, increased substance use, and suicidal ideation - particularly in medical residents). JAMA also found that a simple intervention utilizing mindfulness training sustained positive effects in each of these core areas over time.

MindBodyHealth offers in-service stress reduction training for professionals who work in direct patient care. This involves us working directly with your treatment team in your natural setting, whether you work in a hospital, clinic, or outpatient facility. Our 5 week workshop will teach you skills to:

  • Reduce Stress
  • Reduce Burnout
  • Reduce Fatigue
  • Become More Present with your Work
  • Improve Quality Patient Care
  • Improve Daily Life Functioning
  • Improve Coping Skills
  • Become Aware of Daily Factors that Compound Stress, along with Simple Daily Interventions
This important training is specific for anyone working in direct patient care. If you want to reduce job related stress, call us NOW to set up a FREE initial session.

MindBodyHealth implores you to keep well!

1115 Grant Street, Suite 103
Denver, CO 80203

Friday, January 22, 2010

Looking Back...

Imagine this: you are 80-years-old and looking back on your life. What do you say? Are you happy with the choices you made, or do you have regrets about living too many years struggling with depression, anxiety, disorder eating, or pain. Now realize that you have the power to change TODAY. Because your life is complex, you deserve an integrated approach to therapy. At MindBodyHealth we believe in YOUR HEALTH, wellness, and helping you live your life in a valued way.

Getting your life back on track in the direction you want to live is our primary goal. We have a dedicated staff of clinicians (male & female) who focus energies on building a solid therapeutic relationship with YOU, and helping YOU address the concerns that are interfering with your WELL-BEING.

Call now to set up a FREE CONSULTATION. Our clients tell us that we offer a fresh perspective, that we make your goals a priority, and that we make therapy an enjoyable experience.